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Lost Your Baggage at UAE Airports? Follow These 3 Steps!

We all know how frustrating it can be waiting for your baggage after a long flight and realizing your baggage is lost. It can ruin your whole traveling experience. That is why insurance companies in Dubai offer the best travel insurance in the UAE. Having travel insurance in UAE  is a must if you want to have an uninterrupted, stress free traveling or vacation. No matter the reason for your travels, business or pleasure, having the best travel insurance in the UAE is very beneficial for your traveling experience. 

Insurance companies in Dubai offer best travel insurance in the UAE with the best features for your worry-free traveling. Travel insurance for Dubai offers travel insurance features such as: loss of personal baggage, personal money or passport during your trip. It also includes baggage delays, delayed departure and so many other features that will accommodate your personal needs. 

If you happen to loose you baggage here are some steps to follow:

1. Contact lost property service

If you are still at the airport and you just remembered you have left behind your belongings you can go straight to the lost property office to claim back your baggage. All of the left behind property gets sent over to the lost property office on arrival airport. 

2. Report to baggage service

In case your baggage was lost or delayed, you should contact baggage service and submit a lost baggage report. You will get a file reference number on filing your report for lost baggage at the counter. There is also an option to track your lost baggage online, which is very convenient. The officers and staff at the airport will start tracking your baggage immediately and keep you posted on its whereabouts. 

3. Contact your travel insurance

If you want to have a stress free traveling experience where all the contingencies are covered, having travel insurance in the UAE is very desirable. Best travel insurance in the UAE will offer features that will accommodate your traveling requirements. Lost or delayed baggage can certainly give you  headaches and cost you money, that is why insurance companies in Dubai offer travel insurance for Dubai, to help their visitors have the best Dubai experience. Baggage coverage can provide monetary assistance when things go awry with your baggage during your trip. It can also provide reimbursement, but that depends on your chosen travel insurance and your baggage in general.

Lost or delayed baggage is a common thing, it can happen to anyone. So, having travel insurance to  have you covered will be the very thing to save you from a ruined trip. 

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